What is it?
We’re challenging you to kick off 2024 the right way by getting into some great practice habits! For two weeks, students will test their stamina by pledging to practice for a set number of hours. Then, they’ll get sponsors to pledge to support their efforts. Throughout the two weeks, we’ll be highlighting those who rise to the challenge. Proceeds from the event will go to the ACM Scholarship Fund which helps students with financial limitations have access to quality music instruction.
When is it?
January 17th-31st, 2024
How do I participate?
Ask your teacher to sign you up. We’ll email you your link to your own personal fundraising page and give you cards with a QR code that you can give to potential supporters. Supporters can pledge a flat amount or per hour of practice. And donating is easy! Your page will walk them through step by step.
Can I work with friends?
Sure! Make a team and encourage each other along the way! You can even come up with a band name!
What else should I know?
If we reach our goal, we’ll be throwing an ACM school pizza party! Celebrate your achievement with your music-making peers! Plus, there are prizes for the top three students that raise the most funds.

If we reach our goal of $10,000, we’ll have a pizza party for all the participants!
The three students that raise the most money will receive prizes from some favorite local businesses: Hazel, Timeless Toys and Amy’s Candy. $50 for first prize, $25 for second and $10 for third!
Throughout the week we’ll be highlighting students that are really killing it with their challenge! Watch social media and and the leader board at the schools to see who has taken the challenge to heart!